Since I finished with my job recently, I have a lot more free time on my hands.
At the very moment, not accounting for singular drawings, my art-related plans in mind are:
-Finish modeling & texturing the rest of the rooms for my VRchat world
-MAYBE make a new model of my persona
-Practice animating in blender
-MAYBE make my own website, probably on neocities
-Make a short RPG maker game and/or short animated series
Since I'll probably do individual artpieces in-between these, there is going to be a bit of a time gap for when these things get done, especially with the last 2 ideas listed. Some of these I may not even fully commit to as I know I can get demotivated with projects, but this is the roadmap I have for myself at the moment. Now I just gotta commit to it.
Interesting...well, I hope it goes well for you!